Become our regional representative

A unique opportunity to open WhaleTradings office in your city. Run WhaleTradings regional office and earn a stable income.

Apply now

How it works

  • 1

    Apply for participation in the program

  • 2

    Register partnership with WhaleTradings

  • 3

    Promote WhaleTradings services in your region

  • 4

    Receive the agent remuneration

You & your local office

Workplaces for traders
Opportunity to attract new customers
Clients education

Regional representative's income


Your income is a sum of standard affiliate remuneration up to $15 from each referral trade and 10% on the income of sub-affiliates, and additional payments, the amount of which is discussed individually with the partner.

The whole of conditions of participation in our s is set out in the Affiliate Agreement.

WhaleTradings regional representative form

Please fill the form below for apply for participation in the program

Service is available only for WhaleTradings clients